The New Year is well under way and what a 2014 we have had. Whether you are sad to say goodbye to the past 12 months or glad to see the back of it, we at the Georgian House are certainly ready for 2015’s opportunities and challenges, whatever they may be! For this week’s blog, we’d like to share with you what resolutions the Georgian House is striving towards in 2015.
For those who may not already know, our building was constructed in 1851 by Partner of the business, Serena’s great, great, great grandfather. To this day, the charming history of the Georgian House is evidently featured in the physical environment, carrying the essence of Victorian antiquity everywhere throughout all three buildings. We are proud of the English heritage that the Georgian House boasts and we consider it to be a unique asset; it’s not every day you come across a family hospitality business that has been passed through generations! Our first resolution for the New Year is to share and captivate our guests with the hotel’s fascinating story that gives rise to who we are today. We want to show you how our special history makes us different and how it is the key to an English country house in London experience.
Secondly (yes we have more than one resolution), each and every one of our staff are an essential feature to our business and their personal and professional development is of utmost important to us. Not only do we want our personnel to thoroughly enjoy each of their job roles in a friendly environment, but we want to get the absolute best out of everybody in all departments and our resolution is to make this happen. There is a lot coming up this year, particularly for our aspiring chef, Judith, who has amazingly been accepted by various other hotels (including Hilton and The Lancaster) to develop her knowledge, creativity and skills in the world of hospitality cuisine. We are very much looking forward to following Judith’s adventure and supporting her to become the culinary expert she desires to be. This has inspired our second resolution to provide more life-changing opportunities like this so that our staff can achieve their dreams!
Our final resolution derives from looking back over how much the Georgian House has grown since its establishment; how we have expanded our building from twenty-eight rooms to over sixty, how we have implemented extensive renovation to bring creativity and quirkiness to our rooms and of course, how we have flourished from a two-star to a four-star business. We cannot forget to mention the momentous breakthrough in 2014 when our very own Wizard Chambers hit the spotlight and swept across worldwide news. We are certainly proud of these achievements and it has given us a taste of what the future could have in store for us and so our resolution is to progress even further and perhaps attain five-stars. We aim to develop our business wherever we can in order to impress our guests and exceed their expectations. You will be pleased to read that we have constructed two more magical Wizard Chambers to further enchant visitors and to keep the magic alive. We are even thinking about transforming one of our guest rooms into the vintage theme of the popular TV show, Downtown Abbey. The plans to renovate the remainder of our rooms, extend the Breakfast Room and staff development are in place, we are eager to get going!
So there you have it, our top three resolutions to achieve in what will hopefully be our biggest and most successful year yet. We’d like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all of our guests who have chosen the Georgian House as their London destination, we would not be where we are today without you. Here’s to 2015, bring it on!